Not so well known facts of the month: Sweden had a town, Carlstad, in Denmark!

A bold attempt that did not end well…

Yes, this is actually true. Back in 1658 the town Carlstad was established by the Swedish king, He had decided to conquer Copenhagen and needed a base for his soldiers.
Carlstad was located on the adjacent heights which today form Bronshoj and Bellahoj. And over time, 30,000 inhabitants lived here. Actually as many as inside the walls of Copenhagen!
For two years, Carlstad was an active place with lively activity. Here was everything needed to make everyday life work.
But the Swedes never succeeded in taking the city and gave up the attempt.

Not much remains from that time, but the church in Bronshoj was on site and was, among other things, a storage for gunpowder. Some street names still remind of the event and on the square in Bronshoj there is a monument in the form of three tents.

The view of Copenhagen seen from Bellahoj
Wall signs showing the way to history
The monument at Bronshoj square

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