Copenhagen still has its share of interesting bookstores
Books are considered by some to be a little stone age. But they still have a lot to offer and Copenhagen is full of exciting places where you can indulge in the variety. This list is of bookstores I myself have come across and there are probably many more for you to discover in the city.
Ark Books
A non-profit volunteer-run bookstore and, as they say about themselves, Home of the best stories you’ve never heard. Thats huge!
Møllegade 10

Tranquebar Boghandel
Experience a well-curated selection of the best in books. Just looking around among the items feels like a personal lift. And once you’re there, don’t miss the nice cafe.
Borgergade 14

Thiemers magasin
Another highly regarded bookstore in Copenhagen, and this time on hip Vesterbro. Leave plenty of time because there is a lot of exciting stuff to look around here.
Tullinsgade 24

This one you cannot miss. Its top location at Radhuspladsen makes it very easy to reach. And this is also a great book store with a great assortmmennt. And like most other book stores today they also offers coffees and cakes in the Bookmark Coffee.
Rådhuspladsen 37

Vangsgaards antikvariat
Are you looking for a really large selection of books? Then this place is absolutely right for you, because it is the largest antique shop in the Nordics! And what’s more, you’ll find it along one of the most popular pedestrian streets in the city.
Fiolstræde 34-36

Børnenes Boghandel
Here you will find a bookstore that is completely dedicated to children. Yes, it is actually the only bookstore in the city that has that focus entirely.
The range is huge and there is guaranteed to be something for everyone.
Skindergade 4

New Mags
New Mags is an impressive bookstore. Namely, they have an exquisite assortment of really high-quality books. And it’s really a treat to look around their amazing assortment.
Ny Østergade 28